Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Musica is expanding!

Welcome to the first blog from Musica.

We are pleased to announce that our Musica team is growing!

A big welcome to Joel and Natasha who will be running Musica workshops across Hampshire; watch out for our latest press release about our work in Southampton.

We are sad to say goodbye to Matt who has been running Musica B&NES; Matt is moving to London where he will be studying for a Master's Degree in Music; we wish you the best of luck Matt! As Matt moves on we welcome Stuart who is currently assisting Matt and will take over Musica B&NES from September.

We are in the process of lots of exciting developments which will be featured in our next newsletter.

If you would like to know more about Musica please feel free to contact us.

Rosanna Mead (Director)